Friday, November 9, 2007

Et Tube? (Week 8)

YouTube is a huge playground, one I see a lot of kids playing on at the branch, not to mention all the embedded players in lots of blogs I visit. It can be a pretty useful tool, too. A cuople of months ago when I was all curious about what krumping looked like, bingo. Even a tutorial! and, as usual, librarians are all over this, with a ton of great library vids posted. Me, I like the silly, also as usual.

This first video is a fun little spoof about two librarians who formed a rock band:

And this little rant (and who hasn't wanted to go off like this once in a while?) is from my favourite movie, Party Girl. And doesn't Parker Posey look young? This flick needs a re-viewing sometime soon.

But what about more, um, practical uses? I think one thing that we provide that lots of people don't think of is our programming. Recording and posting some of our great author readings and visits, for example, could be a great way to communicate the kind of extras people can expect from us. This I think would be especially true of a teen audience, a group that could be reached easuily on youtube, where they live. Perhaps a YAG could put together a programme or a short movie for posting, for example. The tricky thing here will be with the permissions. We'd need to have the author's permission, but also either be careful about filming in such a way that we could either avoid needing other permissions or make clear what was happening and that it would be posted online. It's a little more problematic still with the idea of a YAG performing something - parental permission would likely be needed, but for regulars like YAG members, that might still be do-able.

1 comment:

23 Things Staff said...

Nice clips - I had never seen the band one.