Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fun with Flickr

Okay, any obscure topic in Flickr groups? Oh, yeah.

I checked out a few hobbies and found groups on stained glass and cross-stitch. The group that made me laugh was the Subversive Cross-Stitch group. Samples?

Here's a library science T-shirt in the waiting:

And a sample of the cleaner "subversive" mottos going:

I really liked one that said, "Girl... Don't Make Me Cut You!" but oddly, every time I loaded it, it didn't show, although Blogger seemed to think it was loaded. Hmmm. I've only had trouble with Blogger photo loading once or twice before, but I couldn't resolve this one.
I loved the Harajuku section of the geotagged photos, though I found Toronto's oddly dull. Sigh.
The tag cloud for popular tags was fun, too, just for browsing. Locations were big, as were predictable things like party, or wedding. The one that I thought was fun and surprising and I liked best was yellow.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pail of Pictures

So I've started the Photobucket account and, because I'm not comfy sharing photos online, I've simply loaded it up with librarian images that are kind of fun.

My favourite one I've added as a profile pic, too, though at that small size, it's tough to see well enough to read. It's better a little bigger, though I've shrunken it a bit here so it doesn't swallow the whole blog, and while it likely won't show up as well on my blue backdrop, it's pretty cute.

This second (also with a nice blue coordinating theme, 'cause I'm just like that), is one from a website we all loved back in library school, but I especially enjoy it for its feel of being from a musical film where librarians dance in and out of the stacks singing. Hee hee. Imagine the complaints...

And last, one that cracks me up for the mental images it creates of how that reality TV show would actually look...

Saturday, September 22, 2007


So I'm not tinkering a lot with this blog because I like things fairly stripped down, not loaded down with lots of bloggy bling. I've added a TPL 23 blogroll so I can keep looking around at the others, and may add a profile pic at some point, but mostly I'm looking to play more with the assignments than with the blog page.

But I do have a page somewhere of lots of kidslit links and a few librarian rants. Anyone want me to add another blogroll for those? There are some great ones out there worth sharing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Opening Time

TPL 23 Things have begun.

I am, quite frankly, not certain when, how, why, or by whom I was signed up for this... But, well, I'm interested in seeing what we will be learning and how much of it I know or do not know.

Blog On.